Kiro'o Games Capital Subscription Form

Informations for Investors

Welcome to the Kiro'o Games studio investment process. Before beginning, please read the informations on our startup..

Informations for investors

Kiroo in the international press

Reportage de France24 sur Kiro'o Games

Share price and Return on investment.

Minimum ticket
1 100 000 Fcfa

for 1490 shares.

Share price 369 Fcfa

Our path and objectives for 2022-2030

Kiro'o 2022-2030 Paths and Objectives

Somes of our top products

The Boss : Mobile Game (2020)
Aurion Kajuta Gems Figther : Mobile Game (2021)
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan (2024)
Aurion: The Comic (2019)

Your personal information

Your investment

Minimum investment : 1 100 000 Fcfa or $ 2000 or € 1760

Effet de votre investissement
Prix de l'action

Votre investissement de x
vous permet d'acheter y actions

Check your information !!!

Can you confirm that this information is REALLY yours ?

  • Your investment : (Check your currency)
  • Your nationality : (Is it your nationality?)
  • Country of residence : (Is it your current country of residence?)